
By Diane Daniel, 美国心脏协会 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽

Heart attack survivor 丹尼 Saxon. (Photo courtesy of the Saxon family)
Heart attack survivor 丹尼 Saxon. (Photo courtesy of the Saxon family)

今年2月,丹尼·撒克逊(丹尼 Saxon)在完成修复和清洁游泳池的工作时,开始感觉自己消化不良.

He popped a couple antacid pills and chugged a few bottles of water. He tried to make himself burp, hoping that would alleviate the pressure.

分钟后, 他的双臂开始发麻, 几乎振动, like all the muscles in his arms were tightening.

这就是他害怕的地方. He'd heard that a sign of a heart attack was a tingling arm. 他有两个.

But he was only 50, so he pushed that thought away.


“我吓坏了,”他告诉她. "I think I'm having an anxiety attack or something. 我待会给你打电话."

丹尼 got in his truck and started driving. He couldn't decide whether to head home or to the hospital.

摩根 had never heard her husband talk like that. She thought about what he'd said. The "tingling arms" haunted her too.

He could be having a heart attack, she thought. 丹尼比她大20岁,所以摩根认为他的健康总有一天会让她担心. 但还没有.

Then again, 丹尼 was on medication for high blood pressure. 和, 与她的, 他还在抽烟, 尽管他们在她怀第三个孩子的时候就同意分手了, 现在2.

突然, 摩根 remembered the magnet she'd made some seven years earlier, 因为他们的一个儿子在学校期间参加了美国心脏协会的筹款活动.

信息包里有一张卡片,上面写着心脏病发作的警告信号. She figured it was good information to have on hand. 她把它剪下来,放在已经贴在冰箱上的一块商业磁铁上, taping over the front to protect it. 当他们更换冰箱时,她一定会把磁铁转移到新的冰箱上.

摩根 walked over and snapped a photo of the magnet.

她给丹尼发了一条短信,上面写着:“你需要去医院吗?? 拨打911?"

丹尼 was at a red light when the message beeped its arrival.

丹尼·萨克森的妻子, 摩根, 给他发了一张冰箱上贴着自制磁铁的照片,上面写着心脏病发作的警告信号,因为他说他的手臂发麻. (Photo courtesy of the Saxon family)
丹尼·萨克森的妻子, 摩根, 给他发了一张冰箱上贴着自制磁铁的照片,上面写着心脏病发作的警告信号,因为他说他的手臂发麻. (Photo courtesy of the Saxon family)

他读了磁体上关于胸部和手臂不适的前几行,认识到了自己的症状. He headed straight for the hospital.

Just as he was walking up to the ambulance entrance, he saw an EMT.

"Hey man, I need some help," 丹尼 said. "I think I'm having a heart attack."

The technician grabbed a wheelchair and rolled 丹尼 inside.

As he was checking in, 摩根 called.

"This is Brandon," the EMT answered. “我和丹尼在一起. He's having some chest pain and his blood pressure is pretty high. 但是他在笑. Can you come as soon as possible?"

摩根 got the kids squared away. She arrived about an hour later with her father.


摩根 was relieved to see her husband smiling.

Out of nowhere, 丹尼 started choking and made a gurgling sound. His eyes rolled back in his head and he tilted to the side.

摩根尖叫道:“丹尼! 丹尼! 发生了什么?"

护士跑过来. She started chest compressions and called out for emergency assistance.


丹尼 had gone into cardiac arrest.

After three series of shocks with a defibrillator, 丹尼's heartbeat returned.

那天晚上, 心导管检查显示丹尼的右冠状动脉100%堵塞. 医生用球囊重新打开血管,并在动脉内置入支架以恢复血液流动. 两天后,丹尼回家了.

Both lifestyle and family history played a role in his heart attack. 丹尼's father had a quadruple bypass at age 60, and his mother had a stent. 丹尼 was a longtime heavy smoker – until that day in February, when he quit.


"I'm a man raised in the country in Texas,他说. "I literally tried to ignore my heart attack and everything leading up to it."

丹尼, 谁不超重,并在工作中锻炼,通过辅导和与孩子玩耍, 主要归咎于香烟.

"I recently learned how vicious nicotine is on your blood vessels,他说. "I told my dad, 'That tobacco you're chewing, you'd better do some research. 它仍然含有尼古丁.'"

丹尼·萨克森(最右)和他的家人(左起):儿子基冈和科尔,妻子摩根和儿子凯勒. (Photo courtesy of the Saxon family)
丹尼·萨克森(最右)和他的家人(左起):儿子基冈和科尔,妻子摩根和儿子凯勒. (Photo courtesy of the Saxon family)


回到工作岗位的第一天,他就惊恐发作,他以为又是心脏病发作. He went to the emergency room, where he was assured he was fine.

“有时候早晨我醒来,看着我的妻子,想着你永远不知道新的一天会发生什么,他说. "Some days I have separation issues leaving the house."


"The trauma of seeing my husband basically die was the hardest part," she said. "I can still hear all the sounds and noises. 我记得最清楚的是,我的第一个想法是,我必须回家告诉我的孩子们,他们的父亲去世了."

After hearing the couple's story, 有人给摩根送了一块官方的美国心脏协会磁铁上面列出了心脏病发作的警告信号. 摩根 added it to the refrigerator – below her homemade version.

发自内心的故事 记录心脏病和中风幸存者、护理人员和倡导者的鼓舞人心的旅程.

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